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Much of the sexual disease and dysfunction of individuals and couples is grounded in harmful Christian teachings and beliefs about the body, sex, and pleasure. The Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith teaches an inclusive, science-friendly, and sex-positive Christianity and trains academically trained theologians and sexologists to counter the religious narrative that is impeding healing or creating intimacy and relational difficulties.
This workshop presents a methodology for how to counter rigid religious beliefs that impede healing. This workshop proposes a methodology for the sexual health professional that uses some of the basic principles of Christian thought to counter harmful religious beliefs about sexuality, intimacy, and the body, by intentionally, yet gently, creating a cognitive dissonance that will promote personal healing. Making this task of religious re-examination less onerous and stressful for the faith-oriented believer is to provide resources and insights that a) broaden the religious conversation and b) may deepen a spiritual understanding to include peer-reviewed scientific knowledge about the body, sex, and pleasure.
The professional need not be Christian but must be open to the legitimacy of religion itself as it informs and shapes people’s lives – for good or ill. In addition, this work focuses specifically on Christianity.
Learning Objectives: At the conclusion of this presentation, sexual health professionals will be able to identify:
1). Identify the Sources and differences between faith and beliefs.
2). List the authoritative sources that inform Christian sex-negativity.
3). Name the over-riding moral principles that supersede religious beliefs about the body.
Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale

Rev. Dr. Beverly Dale is the Chair and Founder of the Incarnation Institute for Sex & Faith where she trains professional leadership an inclusive, science-friendly, and sex-positive Christianity. She focuses on providing tools and training that is based is inclusive, science-friendly, and grounded in sex-positive Christianity. As an ordained Disciple of Christ pastor she currently teaches courses on sexuality and religion at Lancaster Theological Seminary and is the coauthor of Advancing Sexual Health for The Christian Client, Data and Dogma (Routledge 2019) that combines the insights of science and a sex-positive Christian theology.
AASECT CORE KNOWLEDGE AREA: Socio-cultural, familial factors (e.g., ethnicity, culture, religion, spirituality, socioeconomic status, family values,) in relation to sexual values and behaviors, Sex Therapy Training Area: Theory and methods of sex-related psychotherapy, Sex Ed Training: Theory and approaches to sexuality education with specific populations.
This program meets the requirements for the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT) and is approved for up to 1.5 CE credits. These CE credits may be applied toward the AASECT Certification and renewal of certification. Institute for Sexuality Education & Enlightenment, Provider #11-113-C. Completion of this program does not ensure or guarantee AASECT Certification. For further information, please contact [email protected].